Arcala Station is situated on a 20 Hectars lot (40 Acers) about 40 km (25 Mi) to the East of the City of Oulu in the Northern Finland. The station is built for SO2R contesting, but allows to operate some multi-operations as well. Inside the hamschack there’s operating position equipped with Yaesu FT1000MP MarkV radios and OM Power amplifiers and SO2R system with Win-Test logging software and microHam MK2R SO2R device.
There are seven tower all together. On top of that there are GPs and beverages for 80 and 160 meters. The hamschack is located quite in the middle of the lot minimizing the cabling to the towers. You can find more information of antennas and towers and antennas section of the web pages (under Station in menu)
The station automation is integration of microHam RF-matrix and “home made” automation. microHam RF matrix takes care of selecting the correct antennas, filter etc. according to frequency information from radios and our own part of station automation controlls the power splitters and switching the correct antennas at the towers.