Martti Laine
Call sign(s)
From 1961 to 2008, starting with multi-categories and moving toward single operating and now focusing on team (Formula One) contesting.
When did you start contesting?
As a 15-year old teenager (1962) I became part of the OH2AM contesting team and got hooked. This team placed me at the heart of contesting as a serious multi-multi entrant with several world wins. And finally, as a single operator, I found myself in 1973/74 (ZD3X) in the driver's seat in world-category big-time contesting.
What are your goals in contesting?
Given our extensive investment in contesting, cutting the finish line first is the only CQWW SOAB score that counts. I would like to see that day at OH8X, too! But outside the immediate racing circuit, I have recently found a new and renewing world while identifying and supporting young drivers and seeing them succeed.
Which are your favorite contests and why?
Scandinavian Activity Contest (SAC) is an interesting test circuit where you compete and test your station with friends from the same country and with comparable horsepower. But CQWW is a real championship race marked up in the calendar just like Christmas and your wedding anniversary - Gosh, we just passed one with no notice. Wedding anniversary, that is.
Most memorable Contest, explain why
That must be the 1966 CQWW multi-multi at OH2AM. It was like seeing the holy light when we realized that doing things better and with more dedicated efforts would naturally lead to a winning performance. That particular weekend sent many of us on our own wings, understanding that the potential success factors resided between our ears. One did not have to be afraid of statues; they carried a message but they did not speak - at least not fast enough. Competing domestically in the right mode accidentally resulted in a world win. The old recipe remains the same - even with 40+ years gone.
Sweetest Victory, why
In the 1960's the one contester I admired was Don Miller W9WNV with both CW & SSB CQWW world records under his belt. It was my secret desire to reach his level and one day outdo him. The 1982/83 ZD3X efforts ultimately met with success. But more recently, hosting Jeff, N5TJ at EA8BH and seeing him capture the same double-victory was very sweet while realizing that you can enjoy and be proud of your friend and your station's result without making a single QSO.
Personal Contest improvement target areas
For us old horses the challenge is to remain motivated, faced with new concepts and ideas in this ever-changing competitive arena of ours. Sometimes jumping into the heat of the race and scoring well still makes it worthwhile keeping up the personal racing spirit. Trying to capture single-operator CQWW SOAB European records in the worst propagation zone assumes even greater dedication.
Other interests in Life
Traveling the globe, keeping in touch with friends the world over, writing stories and talking about the old times. And yes, F1 car racing - let me finish this up since I need to catch the next flight to Spa, Belgium for another F1 race, followed by WAEDC in Turkey with Mom. And then off to Azores with friends. Don't forget Leena on my side; Petrita and Petri and grandson Oskari - high speed, lot of energy, full of life!